If evidence matters !
EBM Rapporter

Sådan træffes bedre beslutninger
En EBM-rapport giver dig et svar på et bestemt spørgsmål baseret på det bedst tilgængelige bevis fra de 4 centrale informationskilder, som benyttes i EBM-processen.
- Praktikere
- Interessenter
- Organisatoriske data
- Videnskabelig litteratur
Oplysninger fra disse kilder kombineret med Bayes teorem vil efterfølgende estimere sandsynligheden for et spørgsmål / hypotese understøttes eller ej af de fremskaffede retningspile.
Research Reviews
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

Specific Input to the Decision Process
The purpose of a systematic review (SR) is, to sum up the best available research on a specific question. A systematic review refers to the process of systematically locating and collating all available information on an effect using a transparent procedure.
Meta-analysis refers to the statistical techniques used to combine this information to give an overall estimate of the effect in the population.
Together, systematic reviews and meta-analyses can help to clarify the state of a field of research, determine whether an effect is constant across studies, and discover what future studies are required to demonstrate the effect.
- Rapid Evidence Assessments (REA)
- Critically Appraised Topics (CAT)

1) Evidence-based Management:
- Introduction to EBM
2) Evidence-based Management:
- How to use EBM to make better decisions
Rapid Evidence Assessments (REA) and Critically Appraised Topics (CAT) have the same purpose as SR but are both lighter versions of a sytematic review. (CAT the lightest) These types of reviews can be used when time and/or resources are constrained.
Learn How to Improve Your Decision Process
Evidence-based management isn’t just a list of techniques that you can memorize, mimic, and install. It is a perspective for traveling through organizational life, a way of thinking about what you and your company know and what you don’t know, what is working and isn’t, and what to try next.
See the course descriptions to find the right course
What is EBM and How Can it Improve My Company/Organization
An introduction to EBM relevant for
- Board members
- Top management
- Mid level management
- New leaders
What can it be used for and how can it help your organization to improve the company's competitive advantage.
Evidence-based Management
- What is the purpose of Evidence-Based Management
- What is Evidence-Based Management?
- Why is there a need for Evidence-Based Management?
- What sources of evidence can we use?
- What is bias and how do we cope with it?
The 4 sources of evidence (A-D) and the 6 steps (1-6) in EBM
De 4 sources:
A - Practitioners - Experience from professionals and practitioners
B - Scientific Literature - Empirical studies from academia.
C - Stakeholders - Input fra people affected by the decision.
D - Organisation - Input from data, facts and numbers from the organization.
De 6 steps:
1. ASK
2a/3a. ACQUIRE and APPRAISE - Evidence from practitioners
2b/3b. ACQUIRE and APPRAISE - Evidence from scientific literature
2c/3c. ACQUIRE and APPRAISE - Evidence from stakeholders
2d/3d. ACQUIRE and APPRAISE - Evidence from the organization
4. AGGREGATE and Bayes theorem
- How do we use EBM in the future?
- Etc.
3) Evidence-based Management:
- How to conduct systematic reviews and
meta-analyses (Specialist Course)
What is a Systematic Review and how do we conduct one.
In this course, we will look at some of the earlier mentioned issues more in-depth. E.g. how to formulate the relevant problem, search for the literature, gathering information from the studies, evaluating the quality of studies, analyzing, integrating the outcomes of studies, interpreting the evidence and finally presenting the results.
Systematic Reviews and meta-analyses are a vital part of the Evidence-based management approach to decision making.
4) Evidence-based Management:
- How can we as an organization work
with EBM
How Can We as an Organisation Work With EBM
As mentioned earlier evidence-based management is a perspective for travelling through organizational life and the more employees that are familiar with the basis of EBM the more efficient the organization becomes in making better decisions.
Work Shops

We will from time to time have various work-shop related to various subjects that are important to Evidence-based Management or Artificial Intelligence, like.
- Cognitive Biases
- Evaluation of evidence
- Natural Language Processing
- Cognitive Computing
- Etc.
Data Science

- Data mining & analysis
How do the use of Data Science support the organisation
Find the knowledge and confidence to frame the questions to exploit your data
Find how you and your team can extract value from data using advanced analytics over traditional methods
Find the relationships and providing insights in a unique and powerful way
Find your way in hands-on experience in applying advanced data science models to make confident, evidence-based decisions and elevate your capacity to provide solutions
Find trends, explore hypotheses, challenge assumptions, and create a more nuanced data-driven understanding of your business
Find the power of data to make informed business decisions at speed and scale and thrive in a fast paced environment.
Master Classes and Seminars
We will from time to time have various work-shop related to various subjects that are important to Evidence-based Management or Artificial Intelligence. If we don't have the expertise we will find the best in the field.